Caren Yanis - Philanthropic Advisor, Ortus Foundation (Chicago, IL)

Caren supports the Ortus Foundation with Strategic Advising. Previously Caren was the Executive Director of the Oprah Winfrey Foundations and the President of Crown Family Philanthropies in Chicago. She is working with ORTUS to build strategy focused on supporting educational institutions on both prevention and response to youth and young adult mental health. Caren teaches philanthropy at Tulane, the Booth School at the University of Chicago, and at the Spertus Institute. She is a member of the Board of Visitors at Indiana University’s Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, The Women’s Philanthropy Institute, and a Board Director at the BBB’s Wise Giving Alliance. In addition, she Chairs the Board of the Poetry Foundation in Chicago. Caren is a highly sought after keynote speaker. She enjoys mentoring mid career professionals.